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Liability disclaimer & medical warning 

Eating disorder recovery coaching by Danie van Kay focuses on the emotional support and empowerment of the client by providing coaching tools and techniques to support the client in their wish to experience recovery. Danie van Kay (in full and hereafter referred to as: Danielle van Kalmthout) is not speaking as a medical professional. Therefore, any information and/or advice provided by Danielle van Kalmthout cannot be seen as medical advice in any circumstance.


Always seek professional medical advice first. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment. Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking medical advice. All information and/or advice by Danielle van Kalmthout is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

I, the client, acknowledge and agree that I have been assessed by a qualified medical professional who has given the consent to work with Danielle van Kalmthout (“Danie van Kay”). I understand that information and/or advice provided by Danielle van Kalmthout is for informational purposes only. It cannot be seen as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by my medical professional. This includes all information and/or advice provided by Danielle van Kalmthout on any medium (website, WhatsApp, social media, etc.).

I hereby declare that I take complete responsibility for my actions and the consequences thereof, during my coaching period. My coach Danielle van Kalmthout cannot be held legally responsible for any medical complications that might occur before, during, or after the coaching period. I will always seek professional medical advice first.

If I, the client, will cancel last minute, the day before a plannend session, that session will be missed.

I understand that circumstances may arise that cannot be foreseen that can influence or reduce results. No guarantee can be given and I accept full responsibility for the results of the coaching period.

I am able to understand the above mentioned information in this liability disclaimer and medical warning and I agree with the above mentioned stipulations. I acknowledge I participate voluntarily.


I hereby release the right for any claims or suits against Danielle van Kalmthout.

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